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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sundance! .......or, How I learned to play the game and get other people to invite me along

So I have again not been writing in this blog, and I'm sure it has been a surprise to exactly no one. But, I must confess, that the neglect of this task has not been caused by ennui, or general laziness. It is because I have been quite busy on the other side of the industry. Script Supervising, Sundance hobnobbing, and thinking over offers on other future projects. This new lifestyle has even caused me to join the masses of cell phone owners.
The sad part of this story, is that I have had very little time to watch many movies, let alone find the time to pontificate on the subject of them. So I have decided to list films that I have seen lately, followed by my briefest thoughts on each.

Inland Empire-David Lynch: Three hours of hallways, anthropomorphic Rabbits and Laura Dern lost, shot in low resolution video. I should have hated it, but it seemed to keep me entertained.

Children of Men-Alfonso Cuaron:Stunning Sci-fi white knuckler, from a new Master. Never has the act of having children seemed so important or amazing. Visually marvelous as well!

Red Road-Andrea Arnold:Haunting debut feature film. A woman working for a Glasgow video surveillance company, recognizes a familiar face in one of her cameras. Leading her to stalk this mysterious person. Kate Dickie gives the female performance in the year. This film was made with the co-operation of Lars von Trier and Zentropa films. Two more films will follow, using the same Actors as the same characters in completely different stories, filmed by completely different directors in and around Scotland. I can't wait!

Zoo-Robinson Devor: Suprisingly sensitive look at a group of Washington State men involved in Horse bestiality, that lead to the death of a man known simply as Mr Hands. Quite thought provoking.

Chapter 27-J.P. Schaefer: Jared Leto gained 80 lbs to play John Lennon assassin Mark David Chapman. To bad Dude can't act! Think of the worst Taxi Driver rip-off, then imagine Travis Bickle performed my a fat Forest Gump, and them you might be able to imagine the pain of sitting through this shitty vanity project. Poor Lindsey Lohan! First Rehab now this! Lilo gives the only solid performance in this celluloid turd. What a Stinker!

Pan's Labyrinth-Guillermo del Toro: A brutally dark fairy tale set in the post Civil War Spain of the 1940's. A Childhood nightmare brought vividly to life for adults. Visually mesmerizing, and emotionally gut-wrenching, I loved it.


Blogger Nino Leitner said...

Regarding video surveillance:

There is a new documentary about video surveillance (CCTV) in Britain coming out, and this time, the topic will be covered in a more critical way. There's a trailer online:


5:19 AM  

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