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Friday, July 22, 2005

The Warriors, "Are Good, Very Good"

"Warriors, come out to plaaay!"
These words will haunt me from this day forward.
Sweet and I just got back from watching Walter Hill's strongly influential 1979 film The Warriors at the Clinton St. Theater. It's really amazing to me that I had never seen this film until tonight. I'd been meaning to watch it now for years, even just to see another magnificently terrible performance by the stunning (and seemingly stunned) Michael Beck whom, you might remember forgetting about, due to his embarrassing performance in the Olivia Newton-John vehicle Xanadu. A personal guilty pleasure (though I have no guilt what-so-ever, fore my love of the soundtrack, because it's fuckin' awesome!) This film does have some pretty bitchin' gangs, like the gang of Mimes, and evil Baseball clowns, to the Orphan's, The Rogues, and The Lizzies. The synth soundtrack was also pretty tight, and quite reminiscent of one of John Carpenter's scores. The fight scenes were kick-ass. I loved it. I have little else to say about the subject.
So, I'll leave it at that.


Blogger Sue said...

oh my god! my friend rachel made me watch this movie and i couldn't believe it was real! such cheese and wonderful one-liners!!! this could also be a movie night with costume and all...come out and play!!!

10:36 AM  

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