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Monday, July 11, 2005

Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon

One of the great highlights in what I consider to be one of the most abysmal decades for film (the 1980's), is the fantastic film Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon.
Yes, Barry Gordy the man who delivered the music of the motor-city to the rest of the world with his legendary record company Motown, reaches out to humanity once again to bestow upon us a giant spoonful of stew from America's infamous Melting-Pot. And, we swallow it with pleasure and gratitude!
Taimak stars as "Bruce" Leroy Green a black inner-city youth who has almost entirely co-oped the "Oriental" culture in his attempt at becoming one of the greatest martial artists in the world, but first he must find the illusive Glow, the source of his greatest power. But, Leroy is not alone in his quest for The Glow, enter Sho'Nuff "the Shogun of Harlem" who, threatened by the power that Leroy himself is capable of, will stop at nothing to destroy Leroy. Then there is the sultry Laura Charles played by Prince protege Vanity (Prince once tried to convince her to change her name to Vagina) the host of 7th Heaven a popular music video TV show, that features up and coming talent such as DeBarge. And then there is Laura's battle with gangster Eddie Arcadian
who will stop at nothing to get his girlfriend's music video played on Laura's show. Within 109 minutes can Leroy find "The Glow", save Laura and battle Sho'Nuff in the fantastic battle of "The Last Dragon"? Well, I'm not telling.

Besides Leroy's and Sho'Nuff's adoption of asian culture (down to eating popcorn with chop-sticks), there are several humorous examples of culture swaping by the charactors in the film. Leroy's parents run an Italian Pizza Parlor "Just Runna Your Feetsa, to Daddy Green's Pizza" as their slogan says, there are a group of pot smoking asian dudes who run the fortune cookie factory, and tease Leroy's china-man costume, while they jive like hip-hop brothers, then there is a white guy who seems to have grown up as a wookie, and then you have Vanity who's style of singing seems to have been borrowed from Helen Keller. Basically meant as a feature length music video for Motown artists, Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon transcends it's commercial boundaries, by delivering Top-Notch entertainment, and a charming look at racial identity in modern America. To quote my friend Amanda
"Motown should make more movies!"

My only response to this sugestion is, Yes Amanda, Motown should make more movies.


Blogger ted d. said...

I'm so destroyed that I have never seen this movie. I should move it to the top of Netflix.

Not only is missing this movie a big hole in my life, but by slutty girlfriend and her neighbor used to sing me songs that were on this soundtrack.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

i'm embarrassed to admit that i haven't seen this movie either. my new found insomnia could use a flick like this! when we all reunite again, can we have a last dragon party? can we? please? then, we'll play the soundtrack and get busy!!!

11:50 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

i would like to get busy with Sue.

12:03 AM  
Blogger Derek said...

I'm getting busy just thinking about this party!

2:06 AM  
Blogger polly conway said...

i am feeling the power of the glow just hearing about all this goodness.

10:42 AM  

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